Wednesday, April 17, 2013

America + Samoa= American Samoa

Approximately half way through our trip we were lucky enough to go to American Samoa. As a US territory, we weren't sure what to expect from the island. Our flight there was one of my favorite parts. It's a half hour flight and you go in a 15 person plane.Since the distribution of weight is so important you are weighed with your carry on before you get assigned a seat. We all thought this was hilarious. The cockpit is in open sight and I was in the front row so I got to see outside of the windshield the whole time. I also experienced turbulence in a small plane for the first time.When we got to Pago Pago we were instantly wowed by how beautiful it was. The geography was a little bit different than Independent Samoa and the runway was right between a mountain and the water. it was also a little bit cooler.

My Back yard :)
Sista Sista!
We immediately went to the Community College of American Samoa and got a snack. You've never seen 12 college students more excited to eat Dorritos in your life. Immediately we were paired up with our hosts and sent home. My host sister's name was Puna. She's 19 and graduated high school the same year as me. She lives with her mom and dad and 4 other siblings.her dad is actually from Lotofaga, the village I lived in early in the semester. Her mom was a primary school teacher for over 20 years and is now a counselor. She answered so many of my questions about school in American Samoa and just teaching in general. I think I got paired with the most perfect family for me. Right away I hit it off with Puna. She's super girly and full of sass. The first night we baked a cake for a bake sale at school. This seems like a small deal until you remember I haven't really been able to cook in months and this was the first time I saw an oven since I left Dayton. It made my night. I went to bed early in preparation for our trip to the gym the next morning at 4:30...... that's true dedication. I got to use a treadmill and even lift weights. It was like Christmas! It was a little disheartening to realize I'm not in the shape I would be if I were home but that was to be expected and only gives me more motivation.
Iphotos fun no matter where you are

1 of the 3 beaches in my backyard. Seriously unreal

My lovely room! The mats on the floor are the traditional woven mats like the ones from Lotofaga

That day we attended a few lectures and had organized discussions with a few of the students who had been informed of our research and covered the topics for us regarding American Samoa. It was fun to get one on one time with these students. I really enjoyed getting to know them and getting a better understanding of their perceptions of America and being American vs. being Samoan. One of the guys I talked to is getting ready to join the US military in June. He's excited about what this will do for his future but sent chills up my spine.

 (get ready for the rant)
There's a lot of debate about the fact that  American Samoans join our military. It's an astounding number in relation to the size of their population. There have been more American Samoan casualties than any other state in the US. (I'm not sure if that's percentage or actual number). Although it's honorable for them to join this cause this is a battle we shouldn't put them in. This war would have never reached the Pacific and doesn't need to concern them. They don't receive all the rights of being an American so they shouldn't have to hold this responsibility. I'm thankful that they choose to express their American identity this way but feel horrible that they are put in that position. People join mostly for the opportunity at greater education or a chance to move to the states.


We also got to go to a lecture on international business. All the groups were assigned different countries and had to preform a presentation, dance and prepare a traditional food. We forced our teacher to let us stay until the end and for the first time in 2 months WE GOT TO EAT TACOS!!!!!!! God bless the group who did Mexico. We also got to eat flan, Persian food, chinese food and sushi. It was a dream come true for this group of 12 struggling with the Samoan way of eating.

The moment called for a Taco selfie.... no shame

That night I went to church choir with my mom (Nelda) and my cousin. I was excited to sing and thought some of it might be in English...... I was wrong. I had a great time trying to keep up with the choir! But i definitely struggled a little bit. The choir was beautiful though. Religion is a huge part of life in American Samoa. There's just as many churches as there are in Independent Samoa (as in one on every block..... )

Most of the group minus Sanaa and Rina

The next day we went on a great hike! It was a grueling 7 miles but the view from the top was amazing! we could see both sides of the ocean and got to sit on an amazing lookout. I was actually an idiot and didn't have any water so i think I almost died but other than that it was great! it also gave wicked bad blisters but all was well! It was a great physical challenge and a fun change of pace for us. Sadly we did have two pretty bad injuries. There was a lot of rain the night before so it was super muddy but the terrain is pretty rocky so it's understandable that two girls fell. Rina had to get 9 stitches but Mel managed to only have a lot of blood everywhere! We rewarded our efforts by having amazing American Style food and enjoying and air conditioned restaurant. We went back to school and made our own lava lava's which was cool. Those are the wrap skirt things you've probably seen pictures of. Both boys and girls wear them and I've grown to really enjoy all of mine.

Mickey and I enjoying the view but mostly the fact that we could sit down

That night the whole group and their siblings were going to meet up and watch GI Joe and then head to Carl Jrs. A true American night. My sister and I ended up not getting a ticket because it was sold out but either did my roommate Mickey and her sister Baby. We spent the night above the theater at the arcade and had a blast... until we broke the candy machine :( but it was hilarious. They had Dance Dance Revolution Japan. It was honestly impossible but provided a good laugh. I also learned that teaching Puna to drive on a racing game may not be best considering she took out a few deer and a cop car. We met up at Carl Jrs. with the group and had a really fun night. We all felt super close with this group and are so happy we got to get to know them so well. We're also thankful we got to eat tacos and burgers......

a few of my new friends!

The final day brought us more lectures and then a farewell dance where we preformed our traditional Samoan Siva for them and they showed us the dance and Sasa they had been working on. These kids are so talented at what they do. They showed just how awesome Samoan dance is.

 YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS LINK! im obsessed. it's so cute

It was a tearful goodbye which just shows how close we were able to get with them in such a short time.

So much love!
A Lady GaGa Moment.... obvi

As we left we stopped at "Cost You Less" which is like the COSTCO or Sam's Club of the Pacific. We had limited space available but we all grabbed our necessary snacks for surviving the rest of Samoa. I grabbed a GIANT box of gold fish and Hidden Valley ranch...... so no worries! I'm going to make it! We ration the goldfish but so far I'm not even 1/3 of the way through. I'm not sure why I find it necessary to tell you all this.... but I do.

30 days as of today! So crazy that this trip is starting to wind down! Today marks the beginning of my independent study as well. So basically that means we're all taking a long weekend and getting started on Monday...... yay independence!

See you all soon!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. The beaches in your backyard look really very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good time on your independent study.

