Saturday, April 13, 2013

So Paradise Really Does Exist?! Savai'i 2013

Our first group excursion off of Upolu (the main island of Independent Samoa) was too Savaii, the countries main tourist attraction. This is the place that ends up on screensavers and calenders across the world. It's literally perfection

My Favorite Stop In Savaii! The most beautiful waterfall and fresh water pool I've ever been to! Waterfall looks small here but It's about 4 stories high  

Thats mee to the left about to dive into the gloriousness of the water

The first two nights were just a break for us. We packed our bags and took the bus to the ferry. We stayed at Tanu Beach for the first 3 nights, the first two being completely by ourselves and having no school to worry about. We slept in small fales (lifted houses with no side walls) right on the beach. It is family owned and every member of the family takes part in running the hotel. It was really fun to get to know them. I even was proposed to! We made friends with guests from all around the world and enjoyed the traditional Samoan meals prepared for us by the family.

 My Tanu Beah Fiance ;)

 Our fale, appropriately named if you ask me

 The view from our fale 

 Timo, one of the cousins in the family, and our Favorite New Zealand Export
Our Tanu Beach grandpa, he drove his pimp truck around the property all day... even though it was 1/8 of a mile long. needless to say we enjoyed eachothers company

 the group at the entrance of the cave
The first day we were there half of the group went to hike in the dwarf's cave. We hiked up a small mountain and through some of the prettiest cococut, banana and taro plantations I've seen and our guide pointed into a small hole at the top. I was the only one who hesitated but everyone proceeded to climb into the hole and down to the dwarfs cave. This isn't your average American tourist attraction. There are no stairs or lights provided. At first being in complete darkness was strange but the few flashlights we brought managed to help a little. We started walking down across the rocks and followed a river that essentially went all the way down the cave. after about 10 minutes I hear a waterfall and assume thats the end. Our guide, 16 year old Junior, points down and says jump. I swear to you, I thought I was going to get stuck and die in this cave. Again I was last but managed my way down. we swam through a pool and proceeded. After two more waterfall climbs and a 15 jump into a pitch black cave pool, we reached the point of the cave that created it's name. Dwarfs cave comes in on itself and turns into small cave rooms connected by tunnels to crawl through. At each waterfall we lost more and more of our stuff and clothing so by this point we were in shorts and sports bras crawling through these tunnels into dark rooms. This was by far one of the craziest and most surreal things I have ever done. It was exhausting but well worth every challenge. Never would I have imagined that I would swim in a dark cave pool but I'm glad I did!

 Elsa and Sanaa- God Bless Elsa for making sure I was near a flashlight the whole time so I never got too scared.

Aly and I :) The Skidmore Girls basking in the glory of mud

The next day was a beach day through and through. I was very focused on getting a tan and being on the ocean, two things we don't really get living in Apia. There was a moment when I was sitting on the beach doing my homework for the week when I realized "I'm sitting on the Beach in Samoa doing my homework for the week" and then I felt very sure that I picked the right program.

Me and Miss Kuini (Quinn)

and agian! but this time working on our mermaid poses

Once Monday came it was back to class. Warren Joppling (A native Aussie) came to teach us all about Savai'i's geography and take us around the island. We hiked the lava fields the first day and then a volcano the next. He quickly became one of our favorite people ever with his witty humor and charming accent. It also helps that he's 84 and doing the hikes with us!

the volcano hike ->

 The buff band girls as we reached the top of the hike
 Warren in action. He was explaining how the church behind him was overflowed with lava during one of the explosions, turning it into one of the most beautiful ruins I have ever seen and creating an interesting home for new flowers and trees that manage to make their way up through the settled lava.

 Hiking the Lava fields!!

 A few of us made it all the way to the water

Can you see why we love this man? He's even become the topic for one of the independent research projects being completed. This man has more stories than I can count. In fact, it's easier for him to count which countries he hasn't been to than for him to count which ones he has.... thats just impressive.

Warren continued to take us around and we completed a few more hikes, and learned how to make Tapa. It's a paper made from bark and used for crafts or decoration. It takes a long time so it's an all day even but well worth it. you peel and stretch a small strip of bark until it's almost like cotton. When it's dry from this process, you paint it with natural die until you have the finished product.

A hike to what used to be the most westward part of the world
Mickey the mermaid in her natural habitat

Niko Suave being one with the birds upon the highest point

 The kids at Tapa Making
 The beginning of the process
The finished products! mines the one in the middle.

Our final stops in Savaii were to Lusia's Chalets. It was a luxurious ending with a glorious lagoon to swim in, a jumping deck, a natural rock pool, kayaks and the most delicious food we'd had in a long time. This was only by chance though. The hotel we were supposed to finish in ended up having a rough first night after one of the rooms was broken into and robbed. Only $80 tala went missing and no one was hurt, which was good, but after a vote we switched hotels the next morning and it ended up going so well.  By the end of the week we had driven around the entire island and seen all that there was to see. It was such an active and engaging week with great adventures.

 another reason not to stay at that hotel.... the giant cockroach eating spiders...

 class time at Lusia's discussing "Coming of Age in Samoa" by Margaret Meade
 Sunrise at Lusia's on the Lagoon. Thats one of the Fales on the right.
The fresh water  Rock pool right on the lagoon 

Other Misc. Moments in Savaii
 Brought the Awkward Smile to Samoa!
Niko Suave making tapa
 Puppy Love
Jackie reading her poems to us under the Moon at Tanu 
 A beautiful Catholic Church
 Group hugs on top of the Volcano!

The blow holes! they dont look impressive here but they were. They sent water shooting up 5 stories with enough force to launch coconuts 50 yards away and soak everyone standing too close

Thats all for now. Stay tuned for The American Samoa Report! I know I'm pretty far behind but I'm trying to catch up! Just a quick update though. In real time we just got back from Fiji and had an incredible time. On Wednesday we have our final test and that means that on Thursday our Independent research period finally begins. That also means 5 weeks until I'm home!. Love you all and miss you! Cant wait to see you soon!

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