Friday, February 8, 2013

Jack Johnson.... Live and In Person

The Backdrop of the evening. Waikiki Beach. lookin a little frizzy.....

Quinn and Mickey and I.... I might have already posted this

As it turns out, when you meet people who actually live in Hawaii they invite you to cool things... like move premieres. Last night half the group went with Joe (the SIT alum) to "A Deeper Shade of Blue", a new surfing documentary. It was on Waikiki Beach at sunset and couldn't be more perfect. To be honest with you, a lot of the reason we went had to do with the fact that Joe said Jack Johnson would be there. As we're signing in, an angelic being walks by my right side. I turn to see Jackie J. himself walking down the block. We casually hold our act together and grabbed our seats.

The opportunity presented itself for us to go meet him. We walked to the back of the seating and told him what big fans we were. He literally couldn't have been any sweeter with 6 girls literally begging for his attention. He was personable and took a picture with us. I made sure to get a quality hand shake in so I can say I touched him.

That's when he stopped and asked if I knew all the words to Banana Pancakes. After a little convo about my Jr. High voice competition days, he asked if I would want to do a duet with him. I obvi freaked out but said yes. He then professed his love and announced it to the party. Best night EVER!

Jk Jk. only part of that is true..... the part where he fell in love with me.

But in all seriousness, we got a great picture and had one of those unreal moments where someone you admire is actually as cool as you thought.

The rolling credits were to his song Constellation so after a minute he got up and performed the song himself. Most of the people had already left so we were able to get super up close. He's so amazing live it's unreal. After the crowd begged for one more he pulled out an old crowd pleaser and did Banana Pancakes. I don't think I could have asked for a better night with these girls. A completely surreal moment. I took a video but it seems to be too big to post online. I'll find a way. no worries!

the glorious moment he decided to get on stage

stupid face got in my way but you get the point

I don't have the picture with us but I'm sure one of the other girls will post it soon!

The Girls after an amazing night.

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