Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Week In Hawaii

Waikiki Beach at Sunset

As most of you probably guessed, I enjoy not having my computer, phone or Ipod at my fingertips. Being in Hawaii has been an amazing experience and it seems silly to be tied to anything other than the land and people around me. As it turns out, I have an amazing group here. I can't explain how well we mesh and blend as a whole, yet all bring something unique to the group. There is an amazing connection amongst this group of people. A lot of it seems to come from a similar outlook on life and a strong curiosity towards the world around us. We push each other to explore, ask questions and be happy. This week we have been fortunate enough to do so many things. We've seen some of the most amazing beaches and sights the island of Oahu has to offer. We've toured the island with an SIT Samoa alum (Joe) who now lives on the island. During that tour we ate fresh local produce, swam in the North Shore (aka most famous huge waves in the world) watched the Volcom Pipeline surf competition (as we sat in front of Jack Johnson's house) and saw some amazing sea turtles. We've visited museums, had amazing "drop offs" and harvested taro. And just for the record, there really are SO many rainbows. It's unreal. 

one of the Many double rainbows we saw this week. And A man who is always ready to have his photo taken.

A Beautiful Tree

A glorious sea turtle.

I've joked with my friends about how I cry a lot but they all think I just talk a lot because so far no tears. I try to explain that it's impossible to cry in a place as perfect as Honolulu. 

Besides having a blast and being at the beach we've also learned so much this week. The Pacific has so much to offer and such rich history. Each day we are blessed to have amazing professors from University of Hawaii or the surrounding area come speak to us about the Pacific.  It's strange to learn about the way the United States gained control of the Hawaiian Islands and the loss of culture in the Pacific. The mentality and way of life is something to be applauded and admired. People and the Earth matter here. It's a refreshing change to see respect within the people I'm around.

It shouldn't be surprising when I tell you I've fallen in love with this island. Our stay at the hostel has been so fun and such a terrific way to learn about each other. Meeting people from around the world is exciting and only makes me more anxious to get to Samoa.

A lot of Lava Rock. Not really sure where...

Quinn, Mickey and I at a Movie Premiere (more deets on that in a little)

Getting Lost in Honolulu with Elsa and Mickey

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