Monday, February 11, 2013

SAMOA at last!

     I've gotten to Samoa safely and am having a blast! Culture shock has definitely been tough but I'm slowly becoming more accustomed to Apia. The toughest part by far is the heat and humidity. and the cockroaches. They're definitely the worst part. The people here are very generous and amused by our attempts at learning the language. I've made a few friends in town and have been able to figure my way around pretty well. I've tried fish a few times already and the local bread fruit and taro. None of which I like.... but I'll get used to it. Produce is expensive and hard to find because of the Cyclone/ Tsunami that hit in December but everyone says things are looking up. During the day we spend the majority of our time learning the language and then spend the afternoons exploring by ourselves and discussing what we find at night. It's a great way to see the island through other peoples eyes.
     On Sunday we went to a Catholic church with our director in her village. Afterwards she took us home where we met her entire family and took part in the traditional sunday meal cooked in an ulu. It's and open fire stove and banana leaves used to cook and cover. It was a great way to see what daily lives are like here.
     It's strange to think that I'll be here for 3 more months. The adjustment is hard but also exciting. There are so many people to meet and so much to learn here. I don't have any pictures uploaded yet but I promise I'll get around to it soon.
Love you guys!
Fa Soifua

Even Samoans love this song

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