Monday, February 18, 2013

Talofa! internets been freaking out lately and i can't get any on my laptop so right now that still means no pictures :( but i thought I'd update you guys anyway!

It's been a lot of fun getting to know students from so many different places. My school (University of the South Pacific) pulls from so many different islands, each with their own culture. Tongans, Fijans and Cook Islanders are just a few of the kids I get to hang out with on a daily basis. It's really interesting how some nations are still so superstitious. I've heard ghost tales and home remedies using the moon along with bravery rituals and witch doctors. We've learned a fijan dance and a Samoan dance as well. Here's a link to the dance we learned in Hawaii..... i guess I have trouble picking up on other peoples choreography :)

It's a lot of fun seeing how their cultures differ in ways of friendships. We learned it makes some people uncomfortable when we hug because it's a sign of friendship they don't use. That being said, these are friendships I'm so glad to have now!


  1. Ahh Amy I loved the video! I teared up a bit seeing youu. I miss you so much! But you better get practicing on that dance, I expect a show when you come back!

  2. So after my XMas video, wanted to let you know: YOU'RE AUDIBLE! (when you mess up and get anxious)
